Welcome to Angela Pension

Place your soul in Bucovina always where you want to go back ...

Adrian - Bucuresti

Vatra Dornei Resort

Easy rafting

One of the most popular recreational options. Beautiful landscape, movement, excitement and fun in a team!


Sky Slopes

4 ski runs - one of them being the second longest from Romania - waiting in the resort. The fun is up to you!


Centru SPA Pensiunea Angela

Distractie si relaxare in cel mai nou cetru SPA din Vatra Dornei


The park resort

A walk in the park in center of the resort remains one of the most popular ways to relax in Vatra Dornei.



Str Petreni Nr 20A
Vatra Dornei
(004) 0727 795 599
(004) 0722 557 462
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